Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hailey Autumn will be THREE in September and Teagan Jane will be ONE in November. Time can slow down now....

Monday, January 30, 2012

Here they are, my two FAVORITE munchkins! Hailey 2 years old and Teagan 2.5 months. I am loving being a stay at home mommy! Hailey is such an amazing big sister, I honestly don't know what I would do without her. She loves to help me out with everything and sometimes she gets to Teagan before I do when she is upset. I will hear a little whine or cry and by the time I get to Teagan, Hailey is already there giving her the binki, covering her up with her blanket, and saying shhhh baby shhhh. It really is the sweetest thing :]
This man amazes me. Look at how sweet he is with both of his little girls. I could not ask for a better husband or daddy. He works two jobs to support our family and that makes it possible for me to stay home and raise the kiddos. He is the love of my life, my best friend, my partner in crime, and so much more. I am so blessed that he picked ME to be his wife.
2012 has started off great for our family. I am excited to see what the future has in store for us and our girls. I'm hoping to get Hailey and Teagan into some gymnastics classes soon! Hailey loved it when she was a baby and it helped her learn some sign language that we want to teach Teagan as well. Tricks has such an amazing program for the kids when they are young. I'm excited just thinking about it. I on the other hand have been running! I plan to sign up for a half marathon towards the end of April. I'm really nervous but am motivated and pushing myself to get where I want to be. Jacob is busy working and being an excellent daddy and husband. He is enjoying his new construction job and working with his Dad everyday.
Hailey, Hailey, Hailey. Where do I even begin with this little lady? She has such a great, outgoing personality. It is so much fun for me to watch her grow and learn each day. Her vocabulary is huge now and she is talking non-stop. We have been working on her ABC's and 123's. She has also been working on her writing. She draws H's and T's (for Hailey and Teagan,) on everything. She remembers EVERYTHING we say and do these days. She can watch something one time and have it memorized, it amazes me. She still loves to snuggle which is nice because when she kind of reminds me of the energizer bunny. She is constantly running, jumping, dancing, etc. I love her so much and cannot believe how fast she is growing up.
Teagan aka Chubbs has been so much fun to have around. I know she is only two and a half months old but its hard for me to imagine how we got along without her. She is such a happy baby, smiling all the time. She is a chunker weighing in at 13 pounds 4 ounces! She is quite the strong little lady for her age. She holds her head up by herself and can sit up while holding onto our thumbs. She is a really good baby and already adores her big sister. She is perfectly content as long as she can see what Hailey is doing. Jacob laughs at me when I say it but it melts my heart, My girls are so sweet to each other.
That's the Rennick Family Update for now! I love, love, love my little family!!